Post bilingual. Post yang berisi dua hal.

Gue........... Gue suka ga enak sama orang-orang yang "jangan capek-capek, Syaf" "jangan banyak pikiran, Syaf" dll. Gue.............................................................................gue tau fisik gue emang ga sekuat yang lain, tapi yaaaaaaaaaaa begitu. I can handle it. Gue manusia biasa, jauh dari sempurna, dan banyak salah. Kalo pun gue suka ngedumel, ngomel-ngomel, ngeluh, dan curhat apalagi di twitter gue yakinkan elo semua bahwa ini masalah bekal dari 'rumah', dan ga ada yang salah. Begitu :---) --- Btw idk why i have no excitement at all about this new academic year.. like i knew it will happened, and when it really happened i feel nothing. Just nothing. Or even worse i'm afraid to face the new faces. I'm afraid that people i met just like feces. They are fake. Lucky me if i had in one class with my best friend. I'm afraid that no one will understand me like they do. I know and i believe that s...