
Showing posts from June, 2012

I talk a lot. I speak none.

Lots of thought I can't speak up. Lots of thought I'm not brave enough to tell. In the end, I just regret. I cried. I've cried more than once. Hahahahah I knew it people, you're thinking how talk-active I am, but it's different. I don't even know why, I hided many feelings, from myself, and others. Always, feel bad to know people will upset over your choice. But have you ever think "hey, this is my life! what the hell with others' opinion"? Badly, I've never ever think twice when people tell something 'bout my life. I'd rather follow them. How fool. You have no idea how many option I picked over others' option. Even they didn't force me. Now I can't put it back.  That's so FFFFU. Might I could take a chance to make all things different. One day, I will do what I want. Something makes me feel free and feel 'me'. xx -  ☮ut

it's a blinked

Sekarang gue tau gimana rasanya punya rumah ke-dua. Sekarang gue tau gimana rasanya punya saudara yang lebih deket dari saudara sesungguhnya. Gue sempet nggak percaya, gue sempet ngebantah, gue sempet nggak yakin sama hal itu. Tapi akhirnya gue sadar, mereka emang  ada. Dalam hidup gue, mereka biasa disebut GENERATONE. Generatone emang cuma nama kelas biasa, kayak anak sekolahan lainnya. Tapi di dalemnya ada segalanya. Dimulai dari masuk SMP, yang sering gue keluhin karena sosialisasinya yang dengan sangat lambat gue cerna. Bukan  kesalahan sekolah kok. Guenya aja yang rempong sendiri. Jujur sih waktu awal-awal masuk sekolah itu agak berat buat gue, karna sekolahan itu kemauan orang tua. FYI gue sekolah di SMPN 12 Bekasi. So gue ngejalanin hari-hari awal dengan agak berat. Tapi nggak lama gue juga udah lupa. Gue udah nikmat ngerasain main-main di SMP. Semester awal kelas VII suasana kelas itu rusuh. Heheheheheh... Masuk semester akhir di kelas...