
Showing posts from April, 2014

Antara mengagumi keindahan ciptaan Tuhan atau...

Mengidolakan sesama yang tiada sempurna. Dipandang hanya sebatas rupa. Bagi saya itu hina.


02:12 a.m - Gunung Putri, Bogor. One day left before National Examination for Senior High School in Indonesia. Fortunately I'm not in the last year now. - - - Me? As a normal person I also have the same-common-fckin-stupid-feeling like the others. A cycle that you HAVE EVER FELT, right? Falling in love. It's always been : have a crush on someone - felt in love - broken hearted - moved on. As simple as that. BUUUTTTTTTT that's just theory. A fckin theory. - - - Thank you, dear. You are my living lesson learned. I (am trying not to) love you.

372 days ago.

He asked, "Nggak takut?" She said, "Nggak." And now she is afraid of losing him. LOLJK. Bye maximal :))

Hi, there!

Hi, there!  I've turned 17 last month and yesssss it's such a brand new day for me. Nope, ain't about sweet seventeen. Moreover i didn't celebrate it. As always i wasn't excited for any birthday? Birthdate? But i really appreciate what God has given to me. Sorrounding by people i love and love me baaaaack❤️❤️ (at least i hope so).  Jadi gini, dari dulu gue ga pernah excited sama sekali sama birthday sendiri...............karena hal yang gue gatau. Ga suka aja pas ketemu orang terus diucapin basa-basi gitu heeeee. Apalagi pas SMP kenal dan deket sama Chalsy dan ultah doi cuma beda sehari doang sama gue, dan dia selalu excited. Wuuuuussshhh jadi gue lebih sibuk dengan ultah dia dibanding dengan ultah gue sendiri hahahaha.. Sebenernya ga ada yang bisa diceritain juga sih hahahaha.. Dan gue juga berencana mau nge-post foto pas dikasih surprise sama Estate tapi dikarenakan fotonya di hape dan kabel data gue ilaaaaaangggggg jadi gue kasih foto H-1 my birthda...