
Showing posts from 2014

Leave me alone.

Hang on, there. But, wait. Okay, just leave me. Alone. Forever.

Pretty Poetry

Seorang Adam Yang menjadi sempurna dengan hadirnya seorang Hawa Seorang Adam Yang menjadi lengkap dengan tulang rusuknya Seorang Adam Yang bangga mengakui ku sebagai Hawa-nya Seorang Adam Yang membawa kembali Hawa ke surga-Nya Aapakah kamu ada, wahai Adam? Karena di sini Hawa terdiam Terus menanti dalam angan

sadness overload

being rejected

I'm fucked up

youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu r 2 cute 2 b true u b lyk fuck ma mind n i lyk it dont stop keep playing the guitar, just for me keep saying all the silly phrases u make me laugh 4 evewythin' u do plz jst stay


Kata-kata lo nyakitin, sob. Sumpah.
Being you is adorable Trying to breathe, feel the air, it seems so hard for some people Honey this is funny Do you feel alive ? Do you? This life, most of the time taken for advantage. For your advantage exactly. Take it for granted. Abandoned. Your life. Yes, your life is abandoned. In vain. Mine. How about mine? I still wonder. My life is about yours

When the dot doesn't stop

You are clueless. Evaporate, in my dream. At night, deep down inside my sleep. Within the REM system. Even your existence couldn't help. Delusional. Edwin Hubble won't win his theory. When the world explode, another one is already broken from the core of its soul. You can see it, in my eyes.

saturday night post

My dear, trust me. I'm happy without him. Much happier now. More friends, parties, etc. Don't be sad. Don't be afraid of losing him. He loves you. He really does. Don't worry about me. I'm okay. Yesterday I met him. And I felt like I want to burn him, alive. You shouldn't think that I still into him. Hahahahahaha. No. I'm not. You can see this bright smile on my face. I'm happy. My friends made it. My life is wonderful. Surrounded by these gorgeous people. You, yeah you. That kind of people. You can say whatever you want about me. I'm okay. Your words doesn't feed me. Your opinion, your judge, doesn't change any little things about me. You guys just made me stronger than before. Thank you for being there. For making me MUCH BETTER than you, guys. And my folks. I love you, guys. I really do. 

What are you doing? With her?

" She's tough. She tries to hide it. She's difficult. But if you make an effort, she's worth it. " God, You taught her how to respect the ohers, how to be selflessness. You hit her. You slapped her. You drowned her. You brough her down. But then You raised her up. You stood her up. You lifted her up. You gave her courage to face the world. She feels sorry for what she had done. And after all, she realized, that's the way You wanted her to be what she meant to be. A thoughtful woman. She's taking care of herself. Much better than few years ago. Pouring her skin with moisturizer soap and lotion. Clean her face from the dust. Using a better shampoo, conditioner, and vitamin to feed her hair. Picking the food she consumed. Doing exercises. And also doing much smile. Being friendly. Always be herself. Always trying to positive thinking. Starting to be talk less. Reading more books, again. Except for some people. S...

The untold story.

Dalam hidup kita menggunakan satu sudut pandang. Sudut pandang dari diri kita sendiri. Dan akan ada di mana, apa yang kita liat, ga sama dengan apa yang orang lain liat. Kadang kita ngeliat apa yang ga orang lain liat. Dan sebaliknya. Tapi ada beberapa hal yang ga bisa diliat, dan akan tetep terasa. Jadi, ga selamanya apa yang kita anggep bener, ya bener juga di mata yang lain. Sebagai manusia biasa gue harus bisa legowo, nrimo ga semuanya bisa gue dapetin. Membiasakan diri bersikap dewasa demi kebaikan diri sendiri. Dan tentunya yang terpenting adalah mengambil hikmah dari setiap kejadian. Gue seneng kita bisa sama-sama dewasa. Alhamdulillah, bersyukur banget ternyata sampe sejauh ini hubungannya baik-baik aja. Ga ada selek, ga ada desas-desus kotor, bahkan terkesan bahagia. Ya senggaknya bagi gue terasa bahagia. Dan ternyata klise yang sering gue denger itu emang bener. Cari tau sendiri lah klise yang mana.. Sejauh ini mungkin ya inilah kisah terind...

Antara mengagumi keindahan ciptaan Tuhan atau...

Mengidolakan sesama yang tiada sempurna. Dipandang hanya sebatas rupa. Bagi saya itu hina.


02:12 a.m - Gunung Putri, Bogor. One day left before National Examination for Senior High School in Indonesia. Fortunately I'm not in the last year now. - - - Me? As a normal person I also have the same-common-fckin-stupid-feeling like the others. A cycle that you HAVE EVER FELT, right? Falling in love. It's always been : have a crush on someone - felt in love - broken hearted - moved on. As simple as that. BUUUTTTTTTT that's just theory. A fckin theory. - - - Thank you, dear. You are my living lesson learned. I (am trying not to) love you.

372 days ago.

He asked, "Nggak takut?" She said, "Nggak." And now she is afraid of losing him. LOLJK. Bye maximal :))

Hi, there!

Hi, there!  I've turned 17 last month and yesssss it's such a brand new day for me. Nope, ain't about sweet seventeen. Moreover i didn't celebrate it. As always i wasn't excited for any birthday? Birthdate? But i really appreciate what God has given to me. Sorrounding by people i love and love me baaaaack❤️❤️ (at least i hope so).  Jadi gini, dari dulu gue ga pernah excited sama sekali sama birthday sendiri...............karena hal yang gue gatau. Ga suka aja pas ketemu orang terus diucapin basa-basi gitu heeeee. Apalagi pas SMP kenal dan deket sama Chalsy dan ultah doi cuma beda sehari doang sama gue, dan dia selalu excited. Wuuuuussshhh jadi gue lebih sibuk dengan ultah dia dibanding dengan ultah gue sendiri hahahaha.. Sebenernya ga ada yang bisa diceritain juga sih hahahaha.. Dan gue juga berencana mau nge-post foto pas dikasih surprise sama Estate tapi dikarenakan fotonya di hape dan kabel data gue ilaaaaaangggggg jadi gue kasih foto H-1 my birthda...

Living your life in this wild crazy world.

Giving yourself a distance, it's a beautiful way to keep you sane.

1 of 365

Oh, hi? Awkward? I know right. This is my first page of 365 pages in 2014. Agak tai memang 2013 kemaren. Bukan karena siapa-siapa tapi karena kebodohan diri gue sendiri. Dan sekarang gue sedang mencoba untuk berhenti menyalahkan diri sendiri, sudah saatnya untuk berpikir, berharap, dan bermimpi positif. Stop untuk "I want it" and began for "I will do it".  Terima kasih untuk semuanya di 2013 kemarin. Terima kasih Tuhan, terima kasih guys. 2013 was amazing year. Dimana ekspektasi gue bener-bener berjalan dengan baik, tapi ternyata hasilnya yang tidak baik :)). Keren, gue cukup puas. Tapi tidak akan menghentikan langkah gue pastinya. Life's keep moving on. Sekarang saatnya untuk put your chin up. Put your head up, sweap your tears out, babe. Gila memang ketika akhirnya gue tersadar telah kehilangan banyak hal. Gue telah melewatkan banyak kesempatan-kesempatan cantik dalam hidup ini. Rasanya legaaaaaaa banget ketika sudah menemukan apa yang salah ...